Source code for pyodesys.plotting

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)

from math import log

import numpy as np

def _set_scale(cb, argstr):
    if argstr.count(';') == 0:
        arg, kw = argstr.split(';')
        cb(arg, **eval('dict(%s)' % kw))

def _latex_from_dimensionality(dim):
    # see
    from quantities.markup import format_units_latex
    return format_units_latex(dim, mult=r'\\cdot')

[docs]def plot_result(x, y, indices=None, plot_kwargs_cb=None, ax=None, ls=('-', '--', ':', '-.'), c=('tab:blue', 'tab:orange', 'tab:green', 'tab:red', 'tab:purple', 'tab:brown', 'tab:pink', 'tab:gray', 'tab:olive', 'tab:cyan', 'black'), m=('o', 'v', '8', 's', 'p', 'x', '+', 'd', 's'), m_lim=-1, lines=None, interpolate=None, interp_from_deriv=None, names=None, latex_names=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, xscale=None, yscale=None, legend=False, yerr=None, labels=None, tex_lbl_fmt='$%s$', fig_kw=None, xlim=None, ylim=None): """ Plot the depepndent variables vs. the independent variable Parameters ---------- x : array_like Values of the independent variable. y : array_like Values of the independent variable. This must hold ``y.shape[0] == len(x)``, plot_results will draw ``y.shape[1]`` lines. If ``interpolate != None`` y is expected two be three dimensional, otherwise two dimensional. indices : iterable of integers What indices to plot (default: None => all). plot : callback (default: None) If None, use ``matplotlib.pyplot.plot``. plot_kwargs_cb : callback(int) -> dict Keyword arguments for plot for each index (0:len(y)-1). ax : Axes ls : iterable Linestyles to cycle through (only used if plot and plot_kwargs_cb are both None). c : iterable Colors to cycle through (only used if plot and plot_kwargs_cb are both None). m : iterable Markers to cycle through (only used if plot and plot_kwargs_cb are both None and m_lim > 0). m_lim : int (default: -1) Upper limit (exclusive, number of points) for using markers instead of lines. lines : None default: draw between markers unless we are interpolating as well. interpolate : bool or int (default: None) Density-multiplier for grid of independent variable when interpolating if True => 20. negative integer signifies log-spaced grid. interp_from_deriv : callback (default: None) When ``None``: ``scipy.interpolate.BPoly.from_derivatives`` names : iterable of str latex_names : iterable of str labels : iterable of str If ``None``, use ``latex_names`` or ``names`` (in that order). """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if ax is None: _fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, **(fig_kw or {})) if plot_kwargs_cb is None: def plot_kwargs_cb(idx, lines=False, markers=False, labels=None): kw = {'c': c[idx % len(c)]} if lines: kw['ls'] = ls[idx % len(ls)] if isinstance(lines, float): kw['alpha'] = lines else: kw['ls'] = 'None' if markers: kw['marker'] = m[idx % len(m)] if labels: kw['label'] = labels[idx] return kw else: plot_kwargs_cb = plot_kwargs_cb or (lambda idx: {}) if interpolate is None: interpolate = y.ndim == 3 and y.shape[1] > 1 if interpolate and y.ndim == 3: _y = y[:, 0, :] else: _y = y if indices is None: indices = range(_y.shape[-1]) # e.g. PartiallySolvedSys if lines is None: lines = interpolate in (None, False) markers = len(x) < m_lim if yerr is not None: for idx in indices: clr = plot_kwargs_cb(idx)['c'] ax.fill_between(x, _y[:, idx] - yerr[:, idx], _y[:, idx] + yerr[:, idx], facecolor=clr, alpha=.3) if isinstance(yscale, str) and 'linthreshy' in yscale: arg, kw = yscale.split(';') thresh = eval('dict(%s)' % kw)['linthreshy'] ax.axhline(thresh, linewidth=.5, linestyle='--', color='k', alpha=.5) ax.axhline(-thresh, linewidth=.5, linestyle='--', color='k', alpha=.5) if labels is None: labels = names if latex_names is None else [tex_lbl_fmt % ln.strip('$') for ln in latex_names] for idx in indices: ax.plot(x, _y[:, idx], **plot_kwargs_cb( idx, lines=lines, labels=labels)) if markers: ax.plot(x, _y[:, idx], **plot_kwargs_cb( idx, lines=False, markers=markers, labels=labels)) if xlabel is None: try: ax.set_xlabel(_latex_from_dimensionality(x.dimensionality)) except AttributeError: pass else: ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) if ylabel is None: try: ax.set_ylabel(_latex_from_dimensionality(_y.dimensionality)) except AttributeError: pass else: ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) if interpolate: if interpolate is True: interpolate = 20 if isinstance(interpolate, int): if interpolate > 0: x_plot = np.concatenate( [np.linspace(a, b, interpolate) for a, b in zip(x[:-1], x[1:])]) elif interpolate < 0: x_plot = np.concatenate([ np.logspace(np.log10(a), np.log10(b), -interpolate) for a, b in zip(x[:-1], x[1:])]) else: x_plot = interpolate if interp_from_deriv is None: import scipy.interpolate interp_from_deriv = scipy.interpolate.BPoly.from_derivatives y2 = np.empty((x_plot.size, _y.shape[-1])) for idx in range(_y.shape[-1]): interp_cb = interp_from_deriv(x, y[..., idx]) y2[:, idx] = interp_cb(x_plot) for idx in indices: ax.plot(x_plot, y2[:, idx], **plot_kwargs_cb( idx, lines=True, markers=False)) return x_plot, y2 if xscale is not None: _set_scale(ax.set_xscale, xscale) if yscale is not None: _set_scale(ax.set_yscale, yscale) if legend is True: ax.legend() elif legend in (None, False): pass else: ax.legend(**legend) if xlim: ax.set_xlim(xlim) if ylim: ax.set_ylim(ylim) return ax
[docs]def plot_phase_plane(x, y, indices=None, plot=None, names=None, ax=None, **kwargs): """ Plot the phase portrait of two dependent variables Parameters ---------- x: array_like Values of the independent variable. y: array_like Values of the dependent variables. indices: pair of integers (default: None) What dependent variable to plot for (None => (0, 1)). plot: callable (default: None) Uses ``matplotlib.pyplot.plot`` if ``None`` names: iterable of strings Labels for x and y axis. \\*\\*kwargs: Keyword arguemtns passed to ``plot()``. """ if indices is None: indices = (0, 1) if len(indices) != 2: raise ValueError('Only two phase variables supported at the moment') if ax is None: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1) if names is not None: ax.set_xlabel(names[indices[0]]) ax.set_ylabel(names[indices[1]]) ax.plot(y[:, indices[0]], y[:, indices[1]], **kwargs)
[docs]def right_hand_ylabels(ax, labels): ax2 = ax.twinx() ylim = ax.get_ylim() yspan = ylim[1]-ylim[0] ax2.set_ylim(ylim) yticks = [ylim[0] + (idx + 0.5)*yspan/len(labels) for idx in range(len(labels))] ax2.tick_params(length=0) ax2.set_yticks(yticks) ax2.set_yticklabels(labels)
[docs]def info_vlines(ax, xout, info, vline_colors=('maroon', 'purple'), vline_keys=('steps', 'rhs_xvals', 'jac_xvals'), post_proc=None, alpha=None, fpes=None, every=None): """ Plot vertical lines in the background Parameters ---------- ax : axes xout : array_like info : dict vline_colors : iterable of str vline_keys : iterable of str Choose from ``'steps', 'rhs_xvals', 'jac_xvals', 'fe_underflow', 'fe_overflow', 'fe_invalid', 'fe_divbyzero'``. vline_post_proc : callable alpha : float """ nvk = len(vline_keys) for idx, key in enumerate(vline_keys): if key == 'steps': vlines = xout elif key.startswith('fe_'): if fpes is None: raise ValueError("Need fpes when vline_keys contain fe_*") vlines = xout[info['fpes'] & fpes[key.upper()] > 0] else: vlines = info[key] if post_proc is None else post_proc(info[key]) if alpha is None: alpha = 0.01 + 1/log(len(vlines)+3) if every is None: ln_np1 = log(len(vlines)+1) every = min(round((ln_np1 - 4)/log(2)), 1) ax.vlines(vlines[::every], idx/nvk + 0.002, (idx+1)/nvk - 0.002, colors=vline_colors[idx % len(vline_colors)], alpha=alpha, transform=ax.get_xaxis_transform()) right_hand_ylabels(ax, [k[3] if k.startswith('fe_') else k[0] for k in vline_keys])