Source code for pyodesys.results

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)

import numpy as np

from .plotting import plot_result, plot_phase_plane, info_vlines
from .util import import_

CubicSpline = import_('scipy.interpolate', 'CubicSpline')
interp1d = import_('scipy.interpolate', 'interp1d')

[docs]class Result(object): def __init__(self, xout, yout, params, info, odesys): self.xout = xout self.yout = yout self.params = params = info self.odesys = odesys
[docs] def copy(self): return Result(self.xout.copy(), self.yout.copy(), self.params.copy(),, self.odesys)
def __len__(self): return 3 def __getitem__(self, key): if key == 0: return self.xout elif key == 1: return self.yout elif key == 2: return elif key == 3: raise StopIteration else: raise KeyError("Invalid key: %s (for backward compatibility reasons)." % str(key))
[docs] def named_param(self, param_name): return self.params[self.odesys.param_names.index(param_name)]
[docs] def named_dep(self, name): return self.yout[..., self.odesys.names.index(name)]
[docs] def between(self, lower, upper, xdata=None, ydata=None): """ Get results inside span for independent variable """ if xdata is None: xdata = self.xout if ydata is None: ydata = self.yout select_u = xdata < upper xtmp, ytmp = xdata[..., select_u], ydata[..., select_u, :] select_l = xtmp > lower return xtmp[..., select_l], ytmp[..., select_l, :]
[docs] def at(self, x, use_deriv=False, xdata=None, ydata=None, linear=False): """ Returns interpolated result at a given time and an interpolation error-estimate By default interpolation is performed using cubic splines. Parameters ---------- x : array_like or float use_deriv : bool Calculate derivatives at spline knots for enhanced accuracy. xdata : array ydata : array linear : bool Will use (cheaper) linear interpolation. Useful when x is an array. Error estimate will be ``None`` in this case. Returns ------- interpolated_y : array error_estim_y : array """ if xdata is None: xdata = self.xout if ydata is None: ydata = self.yout yunit = getattr(ydata, 'units', 1) ydata = getattr(ydata, 'magnitude', ydata) if linear: return interp1d(xdata, ydata, axis=0)(x)*yunit, None else: try: len(x) except TypeError: pass else: return [, use_deriv, xdata, ydata, linear) for _ in x] if x == xdata[0]: res = ydata[0, :] err = res*0 elif x == xdata[-1]: res = ydata[-1, :] err = res*0 else: idx = np.argmax(xdata > x) if idx == 0: raise ValueError("x outside bounds") idx_l = max(0, idx - 2) idx_u = min(xdata.size, idx_l + 4) slc = slice(idx_l, idx_u) res_cub = CubicSpline(xdata[slc], ydata[slc, :])(x) x0, x1 = xdata[idx - 1], xdata[idx] y0, y1 = ydata[idx - 1, :], ydata[idx, :] xspan, yspan = x1 - x0, y1 - y0 avgx, avgy = .5*(x0 + x1), .5*(y0 + y1) if use_deriv: # y = a + b*x + c*x**2 + d*x**3 # dydx = b + 2*c*x + 3*d*x**2 y0p, y1p = [np.asarray(self.odesys.f_cb(x, y, self.params))*xspan for y in (y0, y1)] lsx = (x - x0)/xspan d = y0p + y1p + 2*y0 - 2*y1 c = -2*y0p - y1p - 3*y0 + 3*y1 b, a = y0p, y0 res_poly = a + b*lsx + c*lsx**2 + d*lsx**3 res, err = res_poly, np.abs(res_poly - res_cub) else: res_lin = avgy + yspan/xspan*(x - avgx) res, err = res_cub, np.abs(res_cub - np.asarray(res_lin)) return res*yunit, err*yunit
def _internal(self, key, override=None): if override is None: return['internal_' + key] else: return override def _internals(self): return ( self._internal('xout'), self._internal('yout'), self._internal('params')[:-self.odesys.ny if self.odesys.append_iv else None] )
[docs] def stiffness(self, xyp=None, eigenvals_cb=None): """ Running stiffness ratio from last integration. Calculate sittness ratio, i.e. the ratio between the largest and smallest absolute eigenvalue of the jacobian matrix. The user may supply their own routine for calculating the eigenvalues, or they will be calculated from the SVD (singular value decomposition). Note that calculating the SVD for any but the smallest Jacobians may prove to be prohibitively expensive. Parameters ---------- xyp : length 3 tuple (default: None) internal_xout, internal_yout, internal_params, taken from last integration if not specified. eigenvals_cb : callback (optional) Signature (x, y, p) (internal variables), when not provided an internal routine will use ``self.j_cb`` and ``scipy.linalg.svd``. """ if eigenvals_cb is None: if is not None: raise NotImplementedError eigenvals_cb = self.odesys._jac_eigenvals_svd if xyp is None: x, y, intern_p = self._internals() else: x, y, intern_p = self.pre_process(*xyp) singular_values = [] for xval, yvals in zip(x, y): singular_values.append(eigenvals_cb(xval, yvals, intern_p)) return (np.abs(singular_values).max(axis=-1) / np.abs(singular_values).min(axis=-1))
def _plot(self, cb, x=None, y=None, legend=None, **kwargs): if x is None: x = self.xout if y is None: y = self.yout if 'names' in kwargs: if 'indices' not in kwargs and (getattr(self.odesys, 'names', None) or None) is not None: kwargs['indices'] = [self.odesys.names.index(n) for n in kwargs['names']] kwargs['names'] = self.odesys.names else: kwargs['names'] = getattr(self.odesys, 'names', ()) if 'latex_names' not in kwargs: _latex_names = getattr(self.odesys, 'latex_names', None) if (_latex_names or None) is not None and not all(ln is None for ln in _latex_names): kwargs['latex_names'] = _latex_names if legend is None: if (kwargs.get('latex_names') or None) is not None or (kwargs['names'] or None) is not None: legend = True return cb(x, y, legend=legend, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot(self, info_vlines_kw=None, between=None, deriv=False, title_info=0, **kwargs): """ Plots the integrated dependent variables from last integration. Parameters ---------- info_vlines_kw : dict Keyword arguments passed to :func:`.plotting.info_vlines`, an empty dict will be used if `True`. Need to pass `ax` when given. indices : iterable of int between : length 2 tuple deriv : bool Plot derivatives (internal variables). names : iterable of str \\*\\*kwargs: See :func:`pyodesys.plotting.plot_result` """ if between is not None: if 'x' in kwargs or 'y' in kwargs: raise ValueError("x/y & between given.") kwargs['x'], kwargs['y'] = self.between(*between) if info_vlines_kw is not None: if info_vlines_kw is True: info_vlines_kw = {} info_vlines(kwargs['ax'], self.xout,, **info_vlines_kw) self._plot(plot_result, plot_kwargs_cb=lambda *args, **kwargs: dict(c='w', ls='-', linewidth=7, alpha=.4), **kwargs) if deriv: if 'y' in kwargs: raise ValueError("Cannot give both deriv=True and y.") kwargs['y'] = self.odesys.f_cb(*self._internals()) ax = self._plot(plot_result, **kwargs) if title_info: ax.set_title( (self.odesys.description or '') + ', '.join( (['%d steps' %['n_steps']] if'n_steps', -1) >= 0 else []) + [ '%d fev' %['nfev'], '%d jev' %['njev'], ] + ([ '%.2g s CPU' %['time_cpu'] ] if title_info > 1 and'time_cpu', -1) >= 0 else []) ) + (', success' if['success'] else ', failed'), {'fontsize': 'medium'} if title_info > 1 else {} ) return ax
[docs] def plot_phase_plane(self, indices=None, **kwargs): """ Plots a phase portrait from last integration. Parameters ---------- indices : iterable of int names : iterable of str \\*\\*kwargs: See :func:`pyodesys.plotting.plot_phase_plane` """ return self._plot(plot_phase_plane, indices=indices, **kwargs)
[docs] def calc_invariant_violations(self, xyp=None): invar = self.odesys.get_invariants_callback() val = invar(*(xyp or self._internals())) return val - val[0, :]
[docs] def plot_invariant_violations(self, **kwargs): viol = self.calc_invariant_violations() abs_viol = np.abs(viol) invar_names = self.odesys.all_invariant_names() return self._plot(plot_result, x=self._internal('xout'), y=abs_viol, names=invar_names, latex_names=kwargs.pop('latex_names', invar_names), indices=None, **kwargs)
[docs] def extend_by_integration(self, xend, params=None, odesys=None, autonomous=None, npoints=1, **kwargs): odesys = odesys or self.odesys if autonomous is None: autonomous = odesys.autonomous_interface x0 = self.xout[-1] nx0 = self.xout.size res = odesys.integrate( ( self.odesys.numpy.linspace((xend - x0)*0, (xend - x0), npoints+1) if autonomous else self.odesys.numpy.linspace(x0, xend, npoints+1) ), self.yout[..., -1, :], params or self.params, **kwargs ) self.xout = self.odesys.numpy.concatenate((self.xout, res.xout[1:] + (x0 if autonomous else 0*x0))) self.yout = self.odesys.numpy.concatenate((self.yout, res.yout[..., 1:, :])) new_info = {k: v for k, v in if not ( k.startswith('internal') and odesys is not self.odesys)} for k, v in if k.startswith('internal'): if odesys is self.odesys: new_info[k] = self.odesys.numpy.concatenate((new_info[k], v)) else: continue elif k == 'success': new_info[k] = new_info[k] and v elif k.endswith('_xvals'): if len(v) == 0: continue new_info[k] = self.odesys.numpy.concatenate((new_info[k], v + (x0 if autonomous else 0*x0))) elif k.endswith('_indices'): new_info[k].extend([itm + nx0 - 1 for itm in v]) elif isinstance(v, str): if isinstance(new_info[k], str): new_info[k] = [new_info[k]] new_info[k].append(v) else: new_info[k] += v = new_info return self