Source code for pyodesys.util

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)

from functools import reduce
import inspect
import math
import operator
import sys

from pkg_resources import parse_requirements, parse_version

import numpy as np
import pytest

if sys.version_info < (3, 6, 0):
    class ModuleNotFoundError(ImportError):

[docs]def stack_1d_on_left(x, y): """ Stack a 1D array on the left side of a 2D array Parameters ---------- x: 1D array y: 2D array Requirement: ``shape[0] == x.size`` """ _x = np.atleast_1d(x) _y = np.atleast_1d(y) return np.hstack((_x.reshape(_x.size, 1), _y))
[docs]def check_transforms(fw, bw, symbs): """ Verify validity of a pair of forward and backward transformations Parameters ---------- fw: expression forward transformation bw: expression backward transformation symbs: iterable of symbols the variables that are transformed """ for f, b, y in zip(fw, bw, symbs): if f.subs(y, b) - y != 0: raise ValueError('Incorrect (did you set real=True?) fw: %s' % str(f)) if b.subs(y, f) - y != 0: raise ValueError('Incorrect (did you set real=True?) bw: %s' % str(b))
[docs]def transform_exprs_dep(fw, bw, dep_exprs, check=True): """ Transform y[:] in dydx Parameters ---------- fw: expression forward transformation bw: expression backward transformation dep_exprs: iterable of (symbol, expression) pairs pairs of (dependent variable, derivative expressions), i.e. (y, dydx) pairs check: bool (default: True) whether to verification of the analytic correctness should be performed Returns ------- List of transformed expressions for dydx """ if len(fw) != len(dep_exprs) or \ len(fw) != len(bw): raise ValueError("Incompatible lengths") dep, exprs = zip(*dep_exprs) if check: check_transforms(fw, bw, dep) bw_subs = list(zip(dep, bw)) return [(e*f.diff(y)).subs(bw_subs) for f, y, e in zip(fw, dep, exprs)]
[docs]def transform_exprs_indep(fw, bw, dep_exprs, indep, check=True): """ Transform x in dydx Parameters ---------- fw: expression forward transformation bw: expression backward transformation dep_exprs: iterable of (symbol, expression) pairs pairs of (dependent variable, derivative expressions) check: bool (default: True) whether to verification of the analytic correctness should be performed Returns ------- List of transformed expressions for dydx """ if check: if fw.subs(indep, bw) - indep != 0: fmtstr = 'Incorrect (did you set real=True?) fw: %s' raise ValueError(fmtstr % str(fw)) if bw.subs(indep, fw) - indep != 0: fmtstr = 'Incorrect (did you set real=True?) bw: %s' raise ValueError(fmtstr % str(bw)) dep, exprs = zip(*dep_exprs) return [(e/fw.diff(indep)).subs(indep, bw) for e in exprs]
class _Blessed(object): pass def _ensure_4args(func): """ Conditionally wrap function to ensure 4 input arguments Parameters ---------- func: callable with two, three or four positional arguments Returns ------- callable which possibly ignores 0, 1 or 2 positional arguments """ if func is None: return None if isinstance(func, _Blessed): # inspect on __call__ is a hassle... return func self_arg = 1 if inspect.ismethod(func) else 0 if hasattr(inspect, 'getfullargspec'): args = inspect.getfullargspec(func)[0] else: # Python 2: args = inspect.getargspec(func)[0] if len(args) == 4 + self_arg: return func if len(args) == 3 + self_arg: return lambda x, y, p=(), backend=math: func(x, y, p) elif len(args) == 2 + self_arg: return lambda x, y, p=(), backend=math: func(x, y) else: raise ValueError("Incorrect numer of arguments") def _default(arg, default): return default if arg is None else arg def _concat(*args): return np.concatenate(list(map(np.atleast_1d, args))) class _Callback(_Blessed): def __init__(self, indep, dep, params, exprs, Lambdify=None): self.indep, self.dep, self.params = indep, dep, params if indep is None: self.args = _concat(self.dep, self.params) else: self.args = _concat(self.indep, self.dep, self.params) self.input_width = len(self.args) self.exprs = exprs self.callback = Lambdify(self.args, self.exprs) self.ny = len(dep) self.take_params = len(params) def __call__(self, x, y, params=(), backend=None): _x = np.asarray(x) _y = np.asarray(y) _p = np.asarray(params)[..., :self.take_params] if _y.shape[-1] != self.ny: raise TypeError("Incorrect shape of y") inp = np.empty(_x.shape + (self.input_width,)) if self.indep is None: nx = 0 else: inp[..., 0] = _x = np.asarray(x) nx = 1 inp[..., nx:(nx+self.ny)] = _y inp[..., (nx+self.ny):] = _p result = self.callback(inp) return result
[docs]class requires(object): """ Conditional skipping (on requirements) of tests in pytest Examples -------- >>> @requires('numpy', 'scipy') ... def test_sqrt(): ... import numpy as np ... assert np.sqrt(4) == 2 ... from scipy.special import zeta ... assert zeta(2) < 2 ... >>> @requires('numpy>=1.9.0') ... def test_nanmedian(): ... import numpy as np ... a = np.array([[10.0, 7, 4], [3, 2, 1]]) ... a[0, 1] = np.nan ... assert np.nanmedian(a) == 3 ... """ from operator import lt, le, eq, ne, ge, gt _relop = dict(zip('< <= == != >= >'.split(), [getattr(operator, attr) for attr in 'lt le eq ne ge gt'.split()])) def __init__(self, *reqs): self.missing = [] self.incomp = [] self.requirements = list(parse_requirements(reqs)) for req in self.requirements: try: mod = __import__(req.project_name) except ImportError: self.missing.append(req.project_name) else: try: ver = parse_version(mod.__version__) except AttributeError: pass else: for rel, vstr in req.specs: if not self._relop[rel](ver, parse_version(vstr)): self.incomp.append(str(req)) def __call__(self, cb): r = 'Unfulfilled requirements.' if self.missing: r += " Missing modules: %s." % ', '.join(self.missing) if self.incomp: r += " Incomp versions: %s." % ', '.join(self.incomp) return pytest.mark.skipif(self.missing or self.incomp, reason=r)(cb)
[docs]def pycvodes_double(cb): try: from pycvodes import config prec = config.get('SUNDIALS_PRECISION', 'double') except: prec = "double" r = "Test is designed only for pycvodes built with double precision." return pytest.mark.skipif(prec != "double", reason=r)(cb)
[docs]def pycvodes_klu(cb): try: from pycvodes import config klu = config['KLU'] except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError): klu = False return pytest.mark.skipif(not klu, reason="Sparse jacobian tests require pycvodes and sundials with KLU enabled.")(cb)
[docs]class MissingImport(object): def __init__(self, modname, exc): self._modname = modname self._exc = exc def __getattribute__(self, attr): if attr in ('_modname', '_exc'): return object.__getattribute__(self, attr) else: raise self._exc # ImportError("Failed to import %s" % self._modname) def __getitem__(self, key): raise self._exc # ImportError("Failed to import %s" % self._modname) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise self._exc # ImportError("Failed to import %s" % self._modname)
[docs]def import_(modname, *args): if len(args) == 0: try: return __import__(modname) except ImportError as e: return MissingImport(modname, e) mods = [] for arg in args: try: mod = __import__(modname, globals(), locals(), [arg]) except ImportError as e: mods.append(MissingImport(modname + '.' + arg, e)) else: try: attr = getattr(mod, arg) except AttributeError as e: mods.append(MissingImport(modname + '.' + arg, e)) else: mods.append(attr) return mods if len(args) > 1 else mods[0]
[docs]def merge_dicts(*dicts): """ Merges dictionaries with incresing priority. Parameters ---------- \\*dicts: dictionaries Examples -------- >>> d1, d2 = {'a': 1, 'b': 2}, {'a': 2, 'c': 3} >>> merge_dicts(d1, d2, {'a': 3}) == {'a': 3, 'b': 2, 'c': 3} True >>> d1 == {'a': 1, 'b': 2} True >>> from collections import defaultdict >>> dd1 = defaultdict(lambda: 3, {'b': 4}) >>> dd2 = merge_dicts(dd1, {'c': 5}, {'c': 17}) >>> dd2['c'] - dd2['a'] - dd2['b'] == 10 True Returns ------- dict """ return reduce(lambda x, y: x.update(y) or x, (dicts[0].copy(),) + dicts[1:])