Source code for chempy.chemistry

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)

from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
from functools import reduce
from itertools import chain, product
from operator import mul, add
import copy
import math
import warnings

from .util.arithmeticdict import ArithmeticDict
from .util._expr import Expr
from .util.periodic import mass_from_composition
from .util.parsing import (
    formula_to_composition, to_reaction,
    formula_to_latex, formula_to_unicode, formula_to_html

from .units import default_units, is_quantity, unit_of, to_unitless
from ._util import intdiv
from .util.pyutil import deprecated, DeferredImport, ChemPyDeprecationWarning

ReactionSystem = DeferredImport('chempy.reactionsystem', 'ReactionSystem',

[docs]class Substance(object): """ Class representing a chemical substance Parameters ---------- name : str charge : int (optional, default: None) Will be stored in composition[0], prefer composition when possible. latex_name : str unicode_name : str html_name : str composition : dict or None (default) Dictionary (int -> number) e.g. {atomic number: count}, zero has special meaning (net charge). Avoid using the key 0 unless you specifically mean net charge. The motivation behind this is that it is easier to track a net-charge of e.g. 6 for U(VI) than it is to remember that uranium has 92 electrons and use 86 as the value). data : dict Free form dictionary. Could be simple such as ``{'mp': 0, 'bp': 100}`` or considerably more involved, e.g.: ``{'diffusion_coefficient': {\ 'water': lambda T: 2.1*m**2/s/K*(T - 273.15*K)}}``. Attributes ---------- mass Maps to data['mass'], and when unavailable looks for ``formula.mass``. attrs A tuple of attribute names for serialization. composition : dict or None Dictionary mapping fragment key (str) to amount (int). data Free form dictionary. Examples -------- >>> ammonium = Substance('NH4+', 1, 'NH_4^+', composition={7: 1, 1: 4}, ... data={'mass': 18.0385, 'pKa': 9.24}) >>> 'NH4+' >>> ammonium.composition == {0: 1, 1: 4, 7: 1} # charge represented by key '0' True >>>['mass'] 18.0385 >>>['pKa'] 9.24 >>> ammonium.mass # mass is a special case (also attribute) 18.0385 >>> ammonium.pKa Traceback (most recent call last): ... AttributeError: 'Substance' object has no attribute 'pKa' >>> nh4p = Substance.from_formula('NH4+') # simpler >>> nh4p.composition == {7: 1, 1: 4, 0: 1} True >>> nh4p.latex_name 'NH_{4}^{+}' """ attrs = ( 'name', 'latex_name', 'unicode_name', 'html_name', 'composition', 'data' ) def __eq__(self, other): for attr in self.attrs: if getattr(self, attr) != getattr(other, attr): return False return True @property def charge(self): """ Convenience property for accessing ``composition[0]`` """ return self.composition.get(0, 0) # electron (net) deficiency @property def mass(self): """ Convenience property for accessing ``data['mass']`` when ``data['mass']`` is missing the mass is calculated from the :attr:`composition` using :func:`chempy.util.parsing.mass_from_composition`. """ try: return['mass'] except KeyError: if self.composition is not None: return mass_from_composition(self.composition) @mass.setter def mass(self, value):['mass'] = value
[docs] def molar_mass(self, units=None): """ Returns the molar mass (with units) of the substance Examples -------- >>> nh4p = Substance.from_formula('NH4+') # simpler >>> from chempy.units import default_units as u >>> nh4p.molar_mass(u) array(18.0384511...) * g/mol """ if units is None: units = default_units return self.mass*units.g/units.mol
def __init__(self, name=None, charge=None, latex_name=None, unicode_name=None, html_name=None, composition=None, data=None): = name self.latex_name = latex_name self.unicode_name = unicode_name self.html_name = html_name self.composition = composition if self.composition is not None and 0 in self.composition: if charge is not None: raise KeyError("Cannot give both charge and composition[0]") else: if charge is not None and composition is not None: self.composition[0] = charge = data or {}
[docs] @classmethod def from_formula(cls, formula, **kwargs): """ Creates a :class:`Substance` instance from its formula Parameters ---------- formula: str e.g. 'Na+', 'H2O', 'Fe(CN)6-4' \\*\\*kwargs: keyword arguments passed on to `.Substance` Examples -------- >>> NH3 = Substance.from_formula('NH3') >>> NH3.composition == {1: 3, 7: 1} True >>> '%.2f' % NH3.mass '17.03' >>> NH3.charge 0 >>> NH3.latex_name 'NH_{3}' """ return cls(formula, latex_name=formula_to_latex(formula), unicode_name=formula_to_unicode(formula), html_name=formula_to_html(formula), composition=formula_to_composition(formula), **kwargs)
def __repr__(self): kw = ['name=' + + ', ...'] # Too verbose to print all return "<{}({})>".format(self.__class__.__name__, ','.join(kw)) def __str__(self): return str( def _repr_html_(self): return self.html_name
[docs] @staticmethod def composition_keys(substance_iter, skip_keys=()): """ Occuring :attr:`composition` keys among a series of substances """ keys = set() for s in substance_iter: if s.composition is None: continue for k in s.composition.keys(): if k in skip_keys: continue keys.add(k) return sorted(keys)
[docs]class Species(Substance): """ Substance belonging to a phase Species extends :class:`Substance` with the new attribute :attr:`phase_idx` Attributes ---------- phase_idx: int Index of the phase (default is 0) """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): phase_idx = kwargs.pop('phase_idx', 0) super(Species, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.phase_idx = phase_idx @property @deprecated(last_supported_version='0.3.0', will_be_missing_in='0.8.0') def precipitate(self): """ deprecated attribute, provided for compatibility for now """ return self.phase_idx > 0
[docs] @classmethod def from_formula(cls, formula, phases=('(s)', '(l)', '(g)'), default_phase_idx=0, **kwargs): """ Create a :class:`Species` instance from its formula Analogous to :meth:`Substance.from_formula` but with the addition that phase_idx is determined from the formula (and a mapping provided by ``phases``) Parameters ---------- formula: str e.g. 'H2O', 'NaCl(s)', 'CO2(aq)', 'CO2(g)' phases: iterable of str or dict mapping str -> int if not in \\*\\*kwargs, ``phase_idx`` is determined from the suffix of ``formula`` where the suffixes is mapped from phases: if ``phases`` is a dictionary: ``phase_idx = phases[suffix]`` else: ``phase_idx = phases.index(suffix) + 1`` and if suffixes is missing in phases phase_idx is taken to be 0 default_phase_idx: int or None (default: 0) If ``default_phase_idx`` is ``None``, ``ValueError`` is raised for unkown suffixes. Else ``default_phase_idx`` is used as ``phase_idx`` in those cases. \\*\\*kwargs: Keyword arguments passed on. Examples -------- >>> water = Species.from_formula('H2O') >>> water.phase_idx 0 >>> NaCl = Species.from_formula('NaCl(s)') >>> NaCl.phase_idx 1 >>> Hg_l = Species.from_formula('Hg(l)') >>> Hg_l.phase_idx 2 >>> CO2g = Species.from_formula('CO2(g)') >>> CO2g.phase_idx 3 >>> CO2aq = Species.from_formula('CO2(aq)', default_phase_idx=None) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Could not determine phase_idx >>> CO2aq = Species.from_formula('CO2(aq)') >>> CO2aq.phase_idx 0 >>> CO2aq = Species.from_formula('CO2(aq)', ['(aq)'], ... default_phase_idx=None) >>> CO2aq.phase_idx 1 >>> Species.from_formula('CO2(aq)', {'(aq)': 0}, None).phase_idx 0 Raises ------ ValueError: if ``default_phase_idx`` is ``None`` and no suffix found in phases """ if 'phase_idx' in kwargs: p_i = kwargs.pop('phase_idx') else: p_i = None if isinstance(phases, dict): for k, v in phases.items(): if formula.endswith(k): p_i = v break else: for idx, phase in enumerate(phases): if formula.endswith(phase): p_i = idx + 1 break if p_i is None: if default_phase_idx is None: raise ValueError("Could not determine phase_idx") else: p_i = default_phase_idx return cls( formula, latex_name=formula_to_latex(formula, suffixes=phases), unicode_name=formula_to_unicode(formula, suffixes=phases), html_name=formula_to_html(formula, suffixes=phases), composition=formula_to_composition(formula, suffixes=phases), phase_idx=p_i, **kwargs )
[docs]@deprecated(last_supported_version='0.3.0', will_be_missing_in='0.8.0', use_instead=Species) class Solute(Substance): """ [DEPRECATED] Use `.Species` instead Counter-intuitive to its name Solute has an additional property 'precipitate' """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): precipitate = kwargs.pop('precipitate', False) Substance.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.precipitate = precipitate @classmethod def from_formula(cls, formula, **kwargs): if formula.endswith('(s)'): kwargs['precipitate'] = True return cls(formula, latex_name=formula_to_latex(formula), unicode_name=formula_to_unicode(formula), html_name=formula_to_html(formula), composition=formula_to_composition(formula), **kwargs)
[docs]class Reaction(object): """ Class representing a chemical reaction Consider for example: 2 R --> A + P; r = k*A*R*R this would be represented as ``Reaction({'A': 1, 'R': 2}, {'A': 2, 'P': 1}, param=k)``. Some reactions have a larger stoichiometric coefficient than what appears in the rate expression, e.g.: 5 A + B --> C; r = k*A*B this can be represented as ``Reaction({'C1': 1, 'C2': 1}, {'B': 1}, inact_reac={'C1': 4}, param=k)``. The rate constant information in ``param`` may be a subclass of :class:`chempy.kinetics.rates.RateExpr` or carry a :meth:`as_RateExpr`, if neither: `param` will be assumed to be a rate constant for a mass-action type of kinetic expression. Additional data may be stored in the ``data`` dict. Parameters ---------- reac : dict (str -> int) If ``reac`` is a ``set``, then multiplicities are assumed to be 1. prod : dict (str -> int) If ``prod`` is a ``set``, then multiplicities are assumed to be 1. param : float or callable Special case (side-effect): if param is a subclass of :class:`.kinetics.rates.RateExpr` and its :attr:`rxn` is `None` it will be set to `self`. inact_reac : dict (optional) inact_prod : dict (optional) name : str (optional) k : deprecated (alias for param) ref : object Reference (e.g. a string containing doi number). data : dict (optional) checks : iterable of str Raises ``ValueError`` if any method ``check_%s`` returns False for all ``%s`` in ``checks``. Default: ``Reaction.default_checks``. Attributes ---------- reac : OrderedDict prod : OrderedDict param : object inact_reac : OrderedDict inact_prod : OrderedDict name : str ref : str data : dict Examples -------- >>> r = Reaction({'H2': 2, 'O2': 1}, {'H2O': 2}) >>> r.keys() == {'H2', 'O2', 'H2O'} True >>> r.order() 3 >>> r.net_stoich(['H2', 'H2O', 'O2']) (-2, 2, -1) >>> print(r) 2 H2 + O2 -> 2 H2O """ _cmp_attr = ('reac', 'prod', 'param', 'inact_reac', 'inact_prod') _all_attr = _cmp_attr + ('name', 'ref', 'data') _str_arrow = '->' param_char = 'k' # convention default_checks = {'any_effect', 'all_positive', 'all_integral', 'consistent_units'} @staticmethod def _init_stoich(container): if isinstance(container, set): container = {k: 1 for k in container} container = container or {} if type(container) == dict: # we don't want isinstance here in case of OrderedDict container = OrderedDict(sorted(container.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[0])) return container def __init__( self, reac, prod, param=None, inact_reac=None, inact_prod=None, name=None, ref=None, data=None, checks=None, dont_check=None): self.reac = self._init_stoich(reac) self.inact_reac = self._init_stoich(inact_reac) = self._init_stoich(prod) self.inact_prod = self._init_stoich(inact_prod) self.param = param = name self.ref = ref = data or {} if checks is not None and dont_check is not None: raise ValueError("Cannot specify both checks and dont_check") if checks is None: checks = self.default_checks ^ (dont_check or set()) for check in checks: getattr(self, 'check_'+check)(throw=True)
[docs] @classmethod def from_string(cls, string, substance_keys=None, globals_=None, **kwargs): """ Parses a string into a Reaction instance Parameters ---------- string : str String representation of the reaction. substance_keys : convertible to iterable of strings or string or None Used prevent e.g. misspelling. if str: split is invoked, if None: no checking done. globals_ : dict (optional) Dictionary for eval for (default: None -> {'chempy': chempy}) If ``False``: no eval will be called (useful for web-apps). \\*\\*kwargs : Passed on to constructor. Examples -------- >>> r = Reaction.from_string("H2O -> H+ + OH-; 1e-4", 'H2O H+ OH-') >>> r.reac == {'H2O': 1} and == {'H+': 1, 'OH-': 1} True >>> r2 = Reaction.from_string("2 H2O -> 2 H2 + O2", 'H2O H2 O2') >>> r2.reac == {'H2O': 2} and == {'H2': 2, 'O2': 1} True >>> r3 = Reaction.from_string("A -> B; 1/second", 'A B') >>> from chempy.units import to_unitless, default_units as u >>> to_unitless(r3.param, u.hour**-1) 3600.0 >>> r4 = Reaction.from_string("A -> 2 B; 'k'", 'A B') >>> r4.rate(dict(A=3, B=5, k=7)) == {'A': -3*7, 'B': 2*3*7} True >>> r5 = Reaction.from_string("A -> B; 1/molar/second", 'A B') Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Unable to convert between units ... Notes ----- :func:`chempy.util.parsing.to_reaction` is used which in turn calls :func:`eval` which is a severe security concern for untrusted input. """ if isinstance(substance_keys, str): if ' ' in substance_keys: substance_keys = substance_keys.split() return to_reaction(string, substance_keys, cls._str_arrow, cls, globals_, **kwargs)
[docs] def copy(self, **kwargs): if 'checks' not in kwargs: kwargs['checks'] = () for k in self._all_attr: if k not in kwargs: kwargs[k] = copy.copy(getattr(self, k)) return self.__class__(**kwargs)
[docs] def check_any_effect(self, throw=False): """ Checks if the reaction has any effect """ if not any(self.net_stoich(self.keys())): if throw: raise ValueError("The net stoichiometry change of all species are zero.") else: return False return True
[docs] def check_all_positive(self, throw=False): """ Checks if all stoichiometric coefficients are positive """ for nam, cont in [(nam, getattr(self, nam)) for nam in 'reac prod inact_reac inact_prod'.split()]: for k, v in cont.items(): if v < 0: if throw: raise ValueError("Found a negative stoichiometry for %s in %s." % (k, nam)) else: return False return True
[docs] def check_all_integral(self, throw=False): """ Checks if all stoichiometric coefficents are integers """ for nam, cont in [(nam, getattr(self, nam)) for nam in 'reac prod inact_reac inact_prod'.split()]: for k, v in cont.items(): if v != type(v)(int(v)): if throw: raise ValueError("Found a non-integer stoichiometric coefficient for %s in %s." % (k, nam)) else: return False return True
[docs] def check_consistent_units(self, throw=False): if is_quantity(self.param): # This will assume mass action if isinstance(self.param.item(), Expr): param = self.param.item()({"temperature": 1*default_units.K})*self.param.units else: param = self.param try: to_unitless(param/( default_units.molar**(1-self.order())/default_units.s)) except Exception: if throw: raise else: return False else: return True else: return True # the user might not be using ``chempy.units``
def __eq__(lhs, rhs): if lhs is rhs: return True if not isinstance(lhs, Reaction) or not isinstance(rhs, Reaction): return NotImplemented for attr in lhs._cmp_attr: if getattr(lhs, attr) != getattr(rhs, attr): return False return True def __hash__(self): return sum(map(hash, (getattr(self, k) for k in ['reac', 'prod', 'param', 'inact_reac', 'inact_prod'])))
[docs] def order(self): """ Sum of (active) reactant stoichiometries """ return sum(self.reac.values())
[docs] def keys(self): return set(chain(self.reac.keys(),, self.inact_reac.keys(), self.inact_prod.keys()))
[docs] def net_stoich(self, substance_keys): """ Per substance net stoichiometry tuple (active & inactive) """ return tuple(, 0) - self.reac.get(k, 0) + self.inact_prod.get(k, 0) - self.inact_reac.get(k, 0) for k in substance_keys)
[docs] def all_reac_stoich(self, substances): """ Per substance reactant stoichiometry tuple (active & inactive) """ return tuple(self.reac.get(k, 0) + self.inact_reac.get(k, 0) for k in substances)
[docs] def active_reac_stoich(self, substances): """ Per substance reactant stoichiometry tuple (active) """ return tuple(self.reac.get(k, 0) for k in substances)
[docs] def all_prod_stoich(self, substances): """ Per substance product stoichiometry tuple (active & inactive) """ return tuple(, 0) + self.inact_prod.get(k, 0) for k in substances)
[docs] def active_prod_stoich(self, substances): """ Per substance product stoichiometry tuple (active) """ return tuple(, 0) for k in substances)
def _xprecipitate_stoich(self, substances, xor): return tuple(( 0 if xor ^ (getattr(v, 'phase_idx', 0) > 0) else, 0) + self.inact_prod.get(k, 0) - self.reac.get(k, 0) - self.inact_reac.get(k, 0) ) for k, v in substances.items())
[docs] def precipitate_stoich(self, substances): """ Only stoichiometry of precipitates """ net = self._xprecipitate_stoich(substances, True) found1 = -1 for idx in range(len(net)): if net[idx] != 0: if found1 == -1: found1 = idx else: raise NotImplementedError("Only one precipitate assumed.") return net, net[found1], found1
[docs] def non_precipitate_stoich(self, substances): """ Only stoichiometry of non-precipitates """ return self._xprecipitate_stoich(substances, False)
[docs] def has_precipitates(self, substances): for s_name in chain(self.reac.keys(),, self.inact_reac.keys(), self.inact_prod.keys()): if getattr(substances[s_name], 'phase_idx', 0) > 0: return True return False
[docs] def string(self, substances=None, with_param=False, with_name=False, **kwargs): """ Returns a string representation of the reaction Parameters ---------- substances: dict mapping substance keys to Substance instances with_param: bool whether to print the parameter (default: False) with_name: bool whether to print the name (default: False) Examples -------- >>> r = Reaction({'H+': 1, 'Cl-': 1}, {'HCl': 1}, 1e10) >>> r.string(with_param=False) 'Cl- + H+ -> HCl' """ from .printing import str_ return str_(self, substances=substances, with_param=with_param, with_name=with_name, **kwargs)
def __str__(self): return self.string(with_param=True, with_name=True)
[docs] def latex(self, substances, with_param=False, with_name=False, **kwargs): r""" Returns a LaTeX representation of the reaction Parameters ---------- substances: dict mapping substance keys to Substance instances with_param: bool whether to print the parameter (default: False) with_name: bool whether to print the name (default: False) Examples -------- >>> keys = 'H2O H+ OH-'.split() >>> subst = {k: Substance.from_formula(k) for k in keys} >>> r = Reaction.from_string("H2O -> H+ + OH-; 1e-4", subst) >>> r.latex(subst) == r'H_{2}O \rightarrow H^{+} + OH^{-}' True >>> r2 = Reaction.from_string("H+ + OH- -> H2O; 1e8/molar/second", subst) >>> ref = r'H^{+} + OH^{-} \rightarrow H_{2}O; 10^{8} $\mathrm{\frac{1}{(s{\cdot}M)}}$' >>> r2.latex(subst, with_param=True) == ref True """ from .printing import latex return latex(self, substances=substances, with_param=with_param, with_name=with_name, **kwargs)
[docs] def unicode(self, substances, with_param=False, with_name=False, **kwargs): u""" Returns a unicode string representation of the reaction Examples -------- >>> keys = 'H2O H+ OH-'.split() >>> subst = {k: Substance.from_formula(k) for k in keys} >>> r = Reaction.from_string("H2O -> H+ + OH-; 1e-4", subst) >>> r.unicode(subst) == u'H₂O → H⁺ + OH⁻' True >>> r2 = Reaction.from_string("H+ + OH- -> H2O; 1e8/molar/second", subst) >>> r2.unicode(subst, with_param=True) == u'H⁺ + OH⁻ → H₂O; 10⁸ 1/(s·M)' True """ from .printing import unicode_ return unicode_(self, substances=substances, with_param=with_param, with_name=with_name, **kwargs)
[docs] def html(self, substances, with_param=False, with_name=False, **kwargs): """ Returns a HTML representation of the reaction Examples -------- >>> keys = 'H2O H+ OH-'.split() >>> subst = {k: Substance.from_formula(k) for k in keys} >>> r = Reaction.from_string("H2O -> H+ + OH-; 1e-4", subst) >>> r.html(subst) 'H<sub>2</sub>O &rarr; H<sup>+</sup> + OH<sup>-</sup>' >>> r2 = Reaction.from_string("H+ + OH- -> H2O; 1e8/molar/second", subst) >>> r2.html(subst, with_param=True) 'H<sup>+</sup> + OH<sup>-</sup> &rarr; H<sub>2</sub>O&#59; 10<sup>8</sup> 1/(s*M)' """ from .printing import html return html(self, with_param=with_param, with_name=with_name, substances=substances, **kwargs)
def _repr_html_(self): return self.html({k: k for k in self.keys()}) def _violation(self, substances, attr): net = 0.0 for substance, coeff in zip(substances.values(), self.net_stoich(substances.keys())): net += getattr(substance, attr) * coeff return net
[docs] def mass_balance_violation(self, substances): """ Net amount of mass produced Parameters ---------- substances: dict Returns ------- float: amount of net mass produced/consumed """ return self._violation(substances, 'mass')
[docs] def charge_neutrality_violation(self, substances): """ Net amount of charge produced Parameters ---------- substances: dict Returns ------- float: amount of net charge produced/consumed """ return self._violation(substances, 'charge')
[docs] def composition_violation(self, substances, composition_keys=None): """ Net amount of constituent produced If composition keys correspond to conserved entities e.g. atoms in chemical reactions, this function should return a list of zeros. Parameters ---------- substances : dict composition_keys : iterable of str, ``None`` or ``True`` When ``None`` or True: composition keys are taken from substances. When ``True`` the keys are also return as an extra return value Returns ------- - If ``composition_keys == True``: a tuple: (violations, composition_keys) - Otherwise: violations (list of coefficients) """ keys, values = zip(*substances.items()) ret_comp_keys = composition_keys is True if composition_keys in (None, True): composition_keys = Substance.composition_keys(values) net = [0]*len(composition_keys) for substance, coeff in zip(values, self.net_stoich(keys)): for idx, key in enumerate(composition_keys): net[idx] += substance.composition.get(key, 0) * coeff if ret_comp_keys: return net, composition_keys else: return net
[docs] def rate_expr(self): """ Turns self.param into a RateExpr instance (if not already) Default is to create a ``MassAction`` instance. The parameter will be used as single instance in ``unique_keys`` if it is a string, otherwise it will be used as ``args``. Examples -------- >>> r = Reaction.from_string('2 A + B -> 3 C; 7') >>> ratex = r.rate_expr() >>> ratex.args[0] == 7 True """ from .util._expr import Expr from .kinetics import MassAction if isinstance(self.param, Expr): return self.param else: try: convertible = self.param.as_RateExpr except AttributeError: if isinstance(self.param, str): return else: return MassAction([self.param]) else: return convertible()
[docs] def rate(self, variables=None, backend=math, substance_keys=None, ratex=None): """ Evaluate the rate of a reaction Parameters ---------- variables : dict backend : module, optional substance_keys : iterable of str, optional ratex : RateExpr Returns ------- Dictionary mapping substance keys to the reactions contribution to overall rates. Examples -------- >>> rxn1 = Reaction.from_string('2 H2 + O2 -> 2 H2O; 3') >>> ref1 = 3*5*5*7 >>> rxn1.rate({'H2': 5, 'O2': 7}) == {'H2': -2*ref1, 'O2': -ref1, 'H2O': 2*ref1} True >>> from sympy import Symbol >>> k = Symbol('k') >>> rxn2 = Reaction(rxn1.reac,, k) >>> concentrations = {key: Symbol(key) for key in set.union(set(rxn1.reac), set(} >>> import pprint >>> pprint.pprint(rxn2.rate(concentrations)) {'H2': -2*H2**2*O2*k, 'H2O': 2*H2**2*O2*k, 'O2': -H2**2*O2*k} """ if variables is None: variables = {} if substance_keys is None: substance_keys = self.keys() if ratex is None: ratex = self.rate_expr() if isinstance(ratex, Expr): srat = ratex(variables, backend=backend, reaction=self) else: srat = ratex return {k: srat*v for k, v in zip(substance_keys, self.net_stoich(substance_keys))}
[docs]def equilibrium_quotient(concs, stoich): """ Calculates the equilibrium quotient of an equilbrium Parameters ---------- concs: array_like per substance concentration stoich: iterable of integers per substance stoichiometric coefficient Examples -------- >>> '%.12g' % equilibrium_quotient([1.0, 1e-7, 1e-7], [-1, 1, 1]) '1e-14' """ import numpy as np if not hasattr(concs, 'ndim') or concs.ndim == 1: tot = 1 else: tot = np.ones(concs.shape[0]) concs = concs.T for nr, conc in zip(stoich, concs): tot *= conc**nr return tot
[docs]class Equilibrium(Reaction): """ Represents an equilibrium reaction See :class:`Reaction` for parameters """ _str_arrow = '=' param_char = 'K' # convention
[docs] def check_consistent_units(self, throw=False): if is_quantity(self.param): # This will assume mass action exponent = sum( - sum(self.reac.values()) unit_param = unit_of(self.param, simplified=True) unit_expected = unit_of(default_units.molar**exponent, simplified=True) if unit_param == unit_expected: return True else: if throw: raise ValueError("Inconsistent units in equilibrium: %s vs %s" % (unit_param, unit_expected)) else: return False else: return True # the user might not be using ``chempy.units``
[docs] def as_reactions(self, kf=None, kb=None, units=None, variables=None, backend=math, new_name=None, **kwargs): """ Creates a forward and backward :class:`Reaction` pair Parameters ---------- kf : float or RateExpr kb : float or RateExpr units : module variables : dict, optional backend : module """ nb = sum( nf = sum(self.reac.values()) if units is None: if hasattr(kf, 'units') or hasattr(kb, 'units'): raise ValueError("units missing") c0 = 1 else: c0 = 1*units.molar # standard concentration IUPAC if kf is None: fw_name = bw_name = new_name if kb is None: try: kf, kb = self.param except TypeError: raise ValueError("Exactly one rate needs to be provided") else: kf = kb * self.param * c0**(nb - nf) elif kb is None: kb = kf / (self.param * c0**(nb - nf)) fw_name = new_name bw_name = else: raise ValueError("Exactly one rate needs to be provided") return ( Reaction(self.reac,, kf, self.inact_reac, self.inact_prod, ref=self.ref, name=fw_name, **kwargs), Reaction(, self.reac, kb, self.inact_prod, self.inact_reac, ref=self.ref, name=bw_name, **kwargs) )
[docs] def equilibrium_expr(self): """ Turns self.param into a :class:`EqExpr` instance (if not already) Examples -------- >>> r = Equilibrium.from_string('2 A + B = 3 C; 7') >>> eqex = r.equilibrium_expr() >>> eqex.args[0] == 7 True """ from .util._expr import Expr from .thermodynamics import MassActionEq if isinstance(self.param, Expr): return self.param else: try: convertible = self.param.as_EqExpr except AttributeError: return MassActionEq([self.param]) else: return convertible()
[docs] def equilibrium_constant(self, variables=None, backend=math): """ Return equilibrium constant Parameters ---------- variables : dict, optional backend : module, optional """ return self.equilibrium_expr().eq_const(variables, backend=backend)
[docs] def equilibrium_equation(self, variables, backend=None, **kwargs): return self.equilibrium_expr().equilibrium_equation( variables, equilibrium=self, backend=backend, **kwargs)
[docs] @deprecated(use_instead=equilibrium_constant) def K(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.equilibrium_constant(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def Q(self, substances, concs): """ Calculates the equilibrium qoutient """ stoich = self.non_precipitate_stoich(substances) return equilibrium_quotient(concs, stoich)
[docs] def precipitate_factor(self, substances, sc_concs): factor = 1 for r, n in self.reac.items(): if r.precipitate: factor *= sc_concs[substances.index(r)]**-n for p, n in if p.precipitate: factor *= sc_concs[substances.index(p)]**n return factor
[docs] def dimensionality(self, substances): result = 0 for r, n in self.reac.items(): if getattr(substances[r], 'phase_idx', 0) > 0: continue result -= n for p, n in if getattr(substances[p], 'phase_idx', 0) > 0: continue result += n return result
def __rmul__(self, other): # This works on both Py2 and Py3 try: other_is_int = other.is_integer except AttributeError: other_is_int = isinstance(other, int) if not other_is_int or not isinstance(self, Equilibrium): return NotImplemented param = None if self.param is None else self.param**other if other < 0: other *= -1 flip = True else: flip = False other = int(other) # convert SymPy "Integer" to Pyton "int" reac = dict(other*ArithmeticDict(int, self.reac)) prod = dict(other*ArithmeticDict(int, inact_reac = dict(other*ArithmeticDict(int, self.inact_reac)) inact_prod = dict(other*ArithmeticDict(int, self.inact_prod)) if flip: reac, prod = prod, reac inact_reac, inact_prod = inact_prod, inact_reac return Equilibrium(reac, prod, param, inact_reac=inact_reac, inact_prod=inact_prod) def __neg__(self): return -1*self def __mul__(self, other): return other*self def __add__(self, other): keys = set() for key in chain(self.reac.keys(),, other.reac.keys(), keys.add(key) reac, prod = {}, {} for key in keys: n = (, 0) - self.reac.get(key, 0) +, 0) - other.reac.get(key, 0)) if n < 0: reac[key] = -n elif n > 0: prod[key] = n else: pass # n == 0 if (self.param, other.param) == (None, None): param = None else: param = self.param * other.param return Equilibrium(reac, prod, param) def __sub__(self, other): return self + -1*other
[docs] @staticmethod def eliminate(rxns, wrt): """ Linear combination coefficients for elimination of a substance Parameters ---------- rxns : iterable of Equilibrium instances wrt : str (substance key) Examples -------- >>> e1 = Equilibrium({'Cd+2': 4, 'H2O': 4}, {'Cd4(OH)4+4': 1, 'H+': 4}, 10**-32.5) >>> e2 = Equilibrium({'Cd(OH)2(s)': 1}, {'Cd+2': 1, 'OH-': 2}, 10**-14.4) >>> Equilibrium.eliminate([e1, e2], 'Cd+2') [1, 4] >>> print(1*e1 + 4*e2) 4 Cd(OH)2(s) + 4 H2O = Cd4(OH)4+4 + 4 H+ + 8 OH-; 7.94e-91 """ import sympy viol = [r.net_stoich([wrt])[0] for r in rxns] factors = defaultdict(int) for v in viol: for f in sympy.primefactors(v): factors[f] = max(factors[f], sympy.Abs(v//f)) rcd = reduce(mul, (k**v for k, v in factors.items())) viol[0] *= -1 return [rcd//v for v in viol]
[docs] def cancel(self, rxn): """ Multiplier of how many times rxn can be added/subtracted. Parameters ---------- rxn : Equilibrium Examples -------- >>> e1 = Equilibrium({'Cd(OH)2(s)': 4, 'H2O': 4}, ... {'Cd4(OH)4+4': 1, 'H+': 4, 'OH-': 8}, 7.94e-91) >>> e2 = Equilibrium({'H2O': 1}, {'H+': 1, 'OH-': 1}, 10**-14) >>> e1.cancel(e2) -4 >>> print(e1 - 4*e2) 4 Cd(OH)2(s) = Cd4(OH)4+4 + 4 OH-; 7.94e-35 """ keys = rxn.keys() s1 = self.net_stoich(keys) s2 = rxn.net_stoich(keys) candidate = float('inf') for v1, v2 in zip(s1, s2): r = intdiv(-v1, v2) candidate = min(candidate, r, key=abs) return candidate
def _solve_balancing_ilp_pulp(A): import pulp x = [pulp.LpVariable('x%d' % i, lowBound=1, cat='Integer') for i in range(A.shape[1])] prob = pulp.LpProblem("chempy_balancing_problem", pulp.LpMinimize) prob += reduce(add, x) for expr in [pulp.lpSum([x[i]*e for i, e in enumerate(row)]) for row in A.tolist()]: prob += expr == 0 prob.solve(pulp.PULP_CBC_CMD(msg=False)) return [pulp.value(_) for _ in x]
[docs]def balance_stoichiometry(reactants, products, substances=None, substance_factory=Substance.from_formula, parametric_symbols=None, underdetermined=True, allow_duplicates=False): """ Balances stoichiometric coefficients of a reaction Parameters ---------- reactants : iterable of reactant keys products : iterable of product keys substances : OrderedDict or string or None Mapping reactant/product keys to instances of :class:`Substance`. substance_factory : callback parametric_symbols : generator of symbols Used to generate symbols for parametric solution for under-determined system of equations. Default is numbered "x-symbols" starting from 1. underdetermined : bool Allows to find a non-unique solution (in addition to a constant factor across all terms). Set to ``False`` to disallow (raise ValueError) on e.g. "C + O2 -> CO + CO2". Set to ``None`` if you want the symbols replaced so that the coefficients are the smallest possible positive (non-zero) integers. allow_duplicates : bool If False: raises an excpetion if keys appear in both ``reactants`` and ``products``. Examples -------- >>> ref = {'C2H2': 2, 'O2': 3}, {'CO': 4, 'H2O': 2} >>> balance_stoichiometry({'C2H2', 'O2'}, {'CO', 'H2O'}) == ref True >>> ref2 = {'H2': 1, 'O2': 1}, {'H2O2': 1} >>> balance_stoichiometry('H2 O2'.split(), ['H2O2'], 'H2 O2 H2O2') == ref2 True >>> reac, prod = 'CuSCN KIO3 HCl'.split(), 'CuSO4 KCl HCN ICl H2O'.split() >>> Reaction(*balance_stoichiometry(reac, prod)).string() '4 CuSCN + 7 KIO3 + 14 HCl -> 4 CuSO4 + 7 KCl + 4 HCN + 7 ICl + 5 H2O' >>> balance_stoichiometry({'Fe', 'O2'}, {'FeO', 'Fe2O3'}, underdetermined=False) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: The system was under-determined >>> r, p = balance_stoichiometry({'Fe', 'O2'}, {'FeO', 'Fe2O3'}) >>> list(set.union(*[v.free_symbols for v in r.values()])) [x1] >>> b = balance_stoichiometry({'Fe', 'O2'}, {'FeO', 'Fe2O3'}, underdetermined=None) >>> b == ({'Fe': 3, 'O2': 2}, {'FeO': 1, 'Fe2O3': 1}) True >>> d = balance_stoichiometry({'C', 'CO'}, {'C', 'CO', 'CO2'}, underdetermined=None, allow_duplicates=True) >>> d == ({'CO': 2}, {'C': 1, 'CO2': 1}) True Returns ------- balanced reactants : dict balanced products : dict """ import sympy from sympy import ( MutableDenseMatrix, gcd, zeros, linsolve, numbered_symbols, Wild, Symbol, Integer, Tuple, preorder_traversal as pre ) _intersect = sorted(set.intersection(*map(set, (reactants, products)))) if _intersect: if allow_duplicates: if underdetermined is not None: raise NotImplementedError("allow_duplicates currently requires underdetermined=None") if set(reactants) == set(products): raise ValueError("cannot balance: reactants and products identical") # For each duplicate, try to drop it completely: for dupl in _intersect: try: result = balance_stoichiometry( [sp for sp in reactants if sp != dupl], [sp for sp in products if sp != dupl], substances=substances, substance_factory=substance_factory, underdetermined=underdetermined, allow_duplicates=True) except Exception: continue else: return result for perm in product(*[(False, True)]*len(_intersect)): # brute force (naive) r = set(reactants) p = set(products) for remove_reac, dupl in zip(perm, _intersect): if remove_reac: r.remove(dupl) else: p.remove(dupl) try: result = balance_stoichiometry( r, p, substances=substances, substance_factory=substance_factory, parametric_symbols=parametric_symbols, underdetermined=underdetermined, allow_duplicates=False) except ValueError: continue else: return result else: raise ValueError("Failed to remove duplicate keys: %s" % _intersect) else: raise ValueError("Substances on both sides: %s" % str(_intersect)) if substances is None: substances = OrderedDict([(k, substance_factory(k)) for k in chain(reactants, products)]) if isinstance(substances, str): substances = OrderedDict([(k, substance_factory(k)) for k in substances.split()]) if type(reactants) == set: # we don't want isinstance since it might be "OrderedSet" reactants = sorted(reactants) if type(products) == set: products = sorted(products) subst_keys = list(reactants) + list(products) cks = Substance.composition_keys(substances.values()) if parametric_symbols is None: parametric_symbols = numbered_symbols('x', start=1, integer=True, positive=True) # ?C2H2 + ?O2 -> ?CO + ?H2O # Ax = 0 # A: x: # # C2H2 O2 CO H2O # C -2 0 1 0 x0 = 0 # H -2 0 0 2 x1 0 # O 0 -2 1 1 x2 0 # x3 def _get(ck, sk): return substances[sk].composition.get(ck, 0) * (-1 if sk in reactants else 1) for ck in cks: # check that all components are present on reactant & product sides for rk in reactants: if substances[rk].composition.get(ck, 0) != 0: break else: any_pos = any(substances[pk].composition.get(ck, 0) > 0 for pk in products) any_neg = any(substances[pk].composition.get(ck, 0) < 0 for pk in products) if any_pos and any_neg: pass # negative and positive parts among products, no worries else: raise ValueError("Component '%s' not among reactants" % ck) for pk in products: if substances[pk].composition.get(ck, 0) != 0: break else: any_pos = any(substances[pk].composition.get(ck, 0) > 0 for pk in reactants) any_neg = any(substances[pk].composition.get(ck, 0) < 0 for pk in reactants) if any_pos and any_neg: pass # negative and positive parts among reactants, no worries else: raise ValueError("Component '%s' not among products" % ck) A = MutableDenseMatrix([[_get(ck, sk) for sk in subst_keys] for ck in cks]) symbs = list(reversed([next(parametric_symbols) for _ in range(len(subst_keys))])) sol, = linsolve((A, zeros(len(cks), 1)), symbs) wi = Wild('wi', properties=[lambda k: not k.has(Symbol)]) cd = reduce(gcd, [1] + [1/m[wi] for m in map( lambda n: n.match(symbs[-1]/wi), pre(sol)) if m is not None]) sol = sol.func(*[arg/cd for arg in sol.args]) def remove(cont, symb, remaining): subsd = dict(zip(remaining/symb, remaining)) cont = cont.func(*[(arg/symb).expand().subs(subsd) for arg in cont.args]) if cont.has(symb): raise ValueError("Bug, please report an issue at") return cont done = False for idx, symb in enumerate(symbs): for expr in sol: iterable = expr.args if expr.is_Add else [expr] for term in iterable: if term.is_number: done = True break if done: break if done: break for expr in sol: if (expr/symb).is_number: sol = remove(sol, symb, MutableDenseMatrix(symbs[idx+1:])) break for symb in symbs: cd = 1 for expr in sol: iterable = expr.args if expr.is_Add else [expr] for term in iterable: if term.is_Mul and term.args[0].is_number and term.args[1] == symb: cd = gcd(cd, term.args[0]) if cd != 1: sol = sol.func(*[arg.subs(symb, symb/cd) for arg in sol.args]) integer_one = 1 # need 'is' check, SyntaxWarning when checking against literal if underdetermined is integer_one: from ._release import __version__ if int(__version__.split('.')[1]) > 6: warnings.warn( # deprecated because comparison with ``1`` problematic (True==1) ("Pass underdetermined == None instead of ``1`` (depreacted since 0.7.0," " will_be_missing_in='0.9.0')"), ChemPyDeprecationWarning) underdetermined = None if underdetermined is None: sol = Tuple(*[Integer(x) for x in _solve_balancing_ilp_pulp(A)]) fact = gcd(sol) sol = MutableDenseMatrix([e/fact for e in sol]).reshape(len(sol), 1) sol /= reduce(gcd, sol) if 0 in sol: raise ValueError("Superfluous species given.") if underdetermined: if any(x == sympy.nan for x in sol): raise ValueError("Failed to balance reaction") else: for x in sol: if len(x.free_symbols) != 0: raise ValueError("The system was under-determined") if not all(residual == 0 for residual in A * sol): raise ValueError("Failed to balance reaction") def _x(k): coeff = sol[subst_keys.index(k)] return int(coeff) if underdetermined is None else coeff return ( OrderedDict([(k, _x(k)) for k in reactants]), OrderedDict([(k, _x(k)) for k in products]) )
[docs]def mass_fractions(stoichiometries, substances=None, substance_factory=Substance.from_formula): """ Calculates weight fractions of each substance in a stoichiometric dict Parameters ---------- stoichiometries : dict or set If a ``set``: all entries are assumed to correspond to unit multiplicity. substances: dict or None Examples -------- >>> r = mass_fractions({'H2': 1, 'O2': 1}) >>> mH2, mO2 = 1.008*2, 15.999*2 >>> abs(r['H2'] - mH2/(mH2+mO2)) < 1e-4 True >>> abs(r['O2'] - mO2/(mH2+mO2)) < 1e-4 True >>> mass_fractions({'H2O2'}) == {'H2O2': 1.0} True """ if isinstance(stoichiometries, set): stoichiometries = {k: 1 for k in stoichiometries} if substances is None: substances = OrderedDict([(k, substance_factory(k)) for k in stoichiometries]) tot_mass = sum([substances[k].mass*v for k, v in stoichiometries.items()]) return {k: substances[k].mass*v/tot_mass for k, v in stoichiometries.items()}