Source code for chempy.kinetics.analysis

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)

    import numpy as np
except ImportError:
    np = None

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
except ImportError:
    plt = None

from .. import ReactionSystem, Equilibrium
from ..units import get_derived_unit, to_unitless, default_units as u

def _dominant_reaction_effects(substance_key, rsys, rates, linthreshy, eqk1, eqk2, eqs):
    tot = np.zeros(rates.shape[0])
    reaction_effects = rsys.per_reaction_effect_on_substance(substance_key)
    data = []
    for ri, n in reaction_effects.items():
        tot += n*rates[..., ri]
        if ri in eqk1:
            otheri = eqk2[eqk1.index(ri)]
            y = n*rates[..., ri] + reaction_effects[otheri]*rates[..., otheri]
            rxn = eqs[eqk1.index(ri)]
        elif ri in eqk2:
            y = n*rates[..., ri]
            rxn = rsys.rxns[ri]
        if np.all(np.abs(y) < linthreshy):
        data.append((y, rxn))
    return data, tot

def _combine_rxns_to_eq(rsys):
    eqk1, eqk2 = zip(*rsys.identify_equilibria())
    eqs = [Equilibrium(
        (rsys.rxns[i1].param, rsys.rxns[i2].param),
    ) for i1, i2 in zip(eqk1, eqk2)]
    return eqk1, eqk2, eqs

[docs]def plot_reaction_contributions( xyp, rsys, rate_exprs_cb, substance_keys=None, varied=None, axes=None, total=False, linthreshy=1e-9, relative=False, xscale='log', yscale='symlog', xlabel='Time', ylabel=None, combine_equilibria=False, selection=slice(None), unit_registry=None): """ Plots per reaction contributions to concentration evolution of a substance. Parameters ---------- xyp : ``pyodesys.results.Result`` instance or length 3 tuple or xout,yout,params result : pyodesys.results.Result substance_key : str """ from pyodesys.results import Result if isinstance(xyp, Result): xyp = xyp.odesys.to_arrays(xyp.xout, xyp.yout, xyp.params, reshape=False) if varied is None: varied = xyp[0] if xyp[1].shape[-2] != varied.size: raise ValueError("Size mismatch between varied and yout") if substance_keys is None: substance_keys = rsys.substances.keys() if axes is None: _fig, axes = plt.subplots(len(substance_keys)) rates = rate_exprs_cb(*xyp) if unit_registry is not None: time_unit = get_derived_unit(unit_registry, 'time') conc_unit = get_derived_unit(unit_registry, 'concentration') rates = to_unitless(rates*conc_unit/time_unit, u.molar/u.second) eqk1, eqk2, eqs = _combine_rxns_to_eq(rsys) if combine_equilibria else ([], [], []) for sk, ax in zip(substance_keys, axes): data, tot = _dominant_reaction_effects(sk, rsys, rates, linthreshy, eqk1, eqk2, eqs) factor = 1/xyp[1][:, rsys.as_substance_index(sk)] if relative else 1 if total: ax.plot(varied, factor*tot, c='k', label='Total', linewidth=2, ls=':') for y, rxn in sorted(data, key=lambda args: args[0][-1], reverse=True): ax.plot(varied, factor*y, label=r'$\mathrm{%s}$' % rxn.latex(rsys.substances)) if rsys.substances[sk].latex_name is None: ttl = rsys.substances[sk].name ttl_template = '%s' else: ttl = rsys.substances[sk].latex_name ttl_template = r'\mathrm{$%s$}' if yscale == 'symlog': ax.axhline(linthreshy, linestyle='--', color='k', linewidth=.5) ax.axhline(-linthreshy, linestyle='--', color='k', linewidth=.5) ax.set_yscale(yscale, linthreshy=linthreshy) else: ax.set_yscale(yscale) if ylabel is None: ax.set_ylabel(r'$\frac{d}{dt}\left[%s\right]\ /\ M\cdot s^{-1}$' % ttl) else: ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) ax.set_title(ttl_template % ttl) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.set_xscale(xscale) ax.legend(loc='best')
[docs]def dominant_reactions_graph(concs, rate_exprs_cb, rsys, substance_key, linthreshy=1e-9, fname='dominant_reactions_graph.png', relative=False, combine_equilibria=False, **kwargs): from ..util.graph import rsys2graph rates = rate_exprs_cb(0, concs) eqk1, eqk2, eqs = _combine_rxns_to_eq(rsys) if combine_equilibria else ([], [], []) rrate, rxns = zip(*_dominant_reaction_effects( substance_key, rsys, rates, linthreshy, eqk1, eqk2, eqs)[0]) rsys = ReactionSystem(rxns, rsys.substances, lg_rrate = np.log10(np.abs(rrate)) rsys2graph(rsys, fname=fname, penwidths=1 + lg_rrate - np.min(lg_rrate), **kwargs)