Source code for finitediff.grid.make

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)

import numpy as np
from .refine import refine_grid

[docs]def adapted_grid(xstart, xstop, cb, grid_additions=(50, 50), **kwargs): """" Creates an adapted (1D) grid by subsequent subgrid insertions. Parameters ---------- xstart : float xstop : float cb : callbable Function to be evaluated (note that noise is handled poorly). grid_additions : iterable of ints (even numbers) Sequence specifying how many gridpoints to add each time. \\*\\*kwargs : see :func:`refine_grid`. """ grid = np.linspace(xstart, xstop, grid_additions[0]) return refine_grid(grid, cb, grid_additions=grid_additions[1:], **kwargs)