Source code for finitediff.grid.rebalance

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)

import math
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

def _avgdiff(x):
    dx = np.diff(x)
    dx2 = np.zeros_like(x)
    dx2[0], dx2[-1] = dx[0], dx[-1]
    dx2[1:-1] = 0.5*(dx[1:] + dx[:-1])
    return dx2

[docs]def rebalanced_grid(grid, err, base=0.25, num=None, resolution_factor=10, smooth_fact=1.0): if num is None: num = grid.size dx = np.diff(grid) area_err = 0.5*[1:] + err[:-1], dx) # trapezoidal rule dx2 = _avgdiff(grid) def smooth_err(x): tot = 0 for i, (gx, e) in enumerate(zip(grid, err)): fwhm = dx2[i]*smooth_fact tot += e*np.exp(-(x-gx)**2/(2*(fwhm/2.35482)**2)) return tot finegrid = np.zeros((grid.size-1) * resolution_factor + 1) for i in range(grid.size-1): finegrid[i*resolution_factor:(i+1)*resolution_factor] = np.linspace( grid[i], grid[i+1], resolution_factor+1)[:-1] finegrid[-resolution_factor-1:] = np.linspace(grid[-2], grid[-1], resolution_factor + 1) smoothed = smooth_err(finegrid) + base*area_err/(grid[-1] - grid[0]) assert np.all(smoothed > 0) assert np.all(_avgdiff(finegrid) > 0) interr = np.cumsum(smoothed * _avgdiff(finegrid)) cb = interp1d(interr, finegrid) return cb(np.linspace(interr[0], interr[-1], num))
[docs]def pre_pruning_mask(grid, rtol=1e-12, atol=0.0): """ Returns a mask for grid pruning. Any grid spacing smaller than ``rtol*gridvalue + atol`` will be pruned. In general the value on the right is removed unless it is the last point in the grid. Parameters ---------- grid : array rtol : float atol : float Returns ------- NumPy array of ``numpy.bool_`` (to be used as mask). """ if np.any(np.diff(grid) < 0): raise ValueError("grid needs to be monotonic") limit = grid[-1] - (atol + abs(rtol*grid[-1])) mask = np.empty(grid.size, dtype=np.bool_) mask[grid.size - 1] = True # rightmost point included for ridx in range(grid.size-2, -1, -1): if grid[ridx] < limit: mask[ridx] = True break else: mask[ridx] = False else: raise ValueError("no grid-points left") mask[0] = True # leftmost point included limit = grid[0] + abs(rtol*grid[0]) + atol for idx in range(1, ridx): if grid[idx] < limit: mask[idx] = False else: mask[idx] = True limit = grid[idx] + abs(rtol*grid[idx]) + atol return mask
[docs]def combine_grids(grids, **kwargs): """ Combines multiple grids and prunes them using pre_pruning mask Parameters ---------- grids : iterable of array_like grids \\*\\* : dict Keyword arguments passed on to pre_pruning_mask Returns ------- Strictly increasing monotonic array """ supergrid = np.sort(np.concatenate(grids)) mask = pre_pruning_mask(supergrid, **kwargs) return supergrid[mask]
[docs]def grid_pruning_mask(grid, err, ndrop=None, protect_sparse=None, pow_err=2, pow_dx=2): """ Returns a mask for grid pruning. Parameters ---------- grid : array err : array ndrop : int If not provided taken as 25% of grid size (rounded upward). protect_sparse : int If not provided taken as 25% of grid size (rounded upward). pow_err : number Exponent of error in weighting. pow_dx : number Exponent of grid spacing in weighting. """ if ndrop is None: ndrop = math.ceil(grid.size * 0.25) if protect_sparse is None: protect_sparse = math.ceil(grid.size * 0.25) dx = _avgdiff(grid) protected = np.argsort(dx)[-protect_sparse:] score = err**pow_err * dx**pow_dx importance = np.argsort(score) drop = [] for considered in importance: if considered in protected: continue if considered - 1 in drop or considered + 1 in drop: continue drop.append(considered) if len(drop) == ndrop: break return ~np.in1d(np.arange(grid.size), drop)