# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Python binding for odeiv2 in GNU Scientific Library (GSL).
from __future__ import division, absolute_import
import numpy as np
from ._gsl_odeiv2 import adaptive, predefined, requires_jac, steppers, fpes
from ._util import _check_callable, _check_indexing, _ensure_5args
from ._release import __version__
[docs]def get_include():
from pkg_resources import resource_filename, Requirement
return resource_filename(Requirement.parse(__name__),
'%s/include' % __name__)
[docs]def integrate_adaptive(rhs, jac, y0, x0, xend, atol, rtol, dx0=.0,
dx_min=.0, dx_max=.0, method='bsimp', nsteps=500,
check_callable=False, check_indexing=False,
autorestart=0, return_on_error=False, cb_kwargs=None, **kwargs):
""" Integrates a system of ordinary differential equations (solver chosen output).
rhs : callable
Function with signature f(t, y, fout) which modifies fout *inplace*.
jac : callable
Function with signature j(t, y, jmat_out, dfdx_out) which modifies
jmat_out and dfdx_out *inplace*.
y0 : array_like
initial values of the dependent variables
x0 : float
initial value of the independent variable
xend : float
stopping value for the independent variable
atol : float
absolute tolerance
rtol : float
relative tolerance
dx0 : float
initial step-size
dx_min : float
minimum step (default: 0.0)
dx_max : float
maximum step (default: 0.0)
method : str
One of: 'rk2', 'rk4', 'rkf45', 'rkck', 'rk8pd', 'rk1imp',
'rk2imp', 'rk4imp', 'bsimp', 'msadams', 'msbdf'
nsteps : int
maximum number of steps (default: 500)
check_callable : bool (default: False)
perform signature sanity checks on ``rhs`` and ``jac``
check_indexing : bool (default: False)
perform item setting sanity checks on ``rhs`` and ``jac``.
autorestart : int
Autorestarts on error (requires autonomous system).
return_on_error : bool
Instead of raising an exception return silently (see info['success']).
record_rhs_xvals : bool
When True: will return x values for rhs calls in ``info['rhs_xvals']``.
record_jac_xvals : bool
When True will return x values for jac calls in ``info['jac_xvals']``.
record_order : bool
When True will return used time stepper order in ``info['orders']``.
record_fpe : bool
When True will return observed floating point errors in ``info['fpes']``. (see ``fpes``)
cb_kwargs: dict
Extra keyword arguments passed to ``rhs``, ``jac`` and possibly ``dx0cb``.
dx0cb : callable
Callback for calculating dx0 (make sure to pass dx0==0.0) to enable.
Signature: ``f(x, y[:]) -> float``.
dx_max_cb: callable
Callback for calculating dx_max. Signature: ``f(x, y[:]) -> float``.
(xout, yout, info):
xout: 1-dimensional array of values for the independent variable
yout: 2-dimensional array of the dependent variables (axis 1) for
values corresponding to xout (axis 0)
info: dictionary with information about the integration
# Sanity checks to reduce risk of having a segfault:
jac = _ensure_5args(jac)
if check_callable:
_check_callable(rhs, jac, x0, y0)
if check_indexing:
_check_indexing(rhs, jac, x0, y0)
return adaptive(rhs, jac, np.ascontiguousarray(y0, dtype=np.float64), x0,
xend, atol, rtol, method, nsteps, dx0, dx_min, dx_max,
autorestart, return_on_error, cb_kwargs, **kwargs)
[docs]def integrate_predefined(rhs, jac, y0, xout, atol, rtol, dx0=.0,
dx_min=.0, dx_max=.0, method='bsimp', nsteps=500,
check_callable=False, check_indexing=False,
autorestart=0, return_on_error=False, cb_kwargs=None, **kwargs):
""" Integrates a system of ordinary differential equations (user chosen output).
rhs : callable
Function with signature f(t, y, fout) which modifies fout *inplace*.
jac : callable
Function with signature j(t, y, jmat_out, dfdx_out) which modifies
jmat_out and dfdx_out *inplace*.
y0 : array_like
initial values of the dependent variables
xout : array_like
values of the independent variable
atol : float
absolute tolerance
rtol : float
relative tolerance
dx0 : float
initial step-size
dx_min : float
minimum step (default: 0.0)
dx_max : float
maximum step (default: 0.0)
method : str
One of: 'rk2', 'rk4', 'rkf45', 'rkck', 'rk8pd', 'rk1imp',
'rk2imp', 'rk4imp', 'bsimp', 'msadams', 'msbdf'.
nsteps : int
maximum number of steps (default: 500).
check_callable : bool
perform signature sanity checks on ``rhs`` and ``jac``.
check_indexing : bool
perform item setting sanity checks on ``rhs`` and ``jac``.
autorestart : int
Autorestarts on error (requires autonomous system).
return_on_error : bool
Instead of raising an exception return silently (see info['success'] & info['nreached']).
record_rhs_xvals : bool
When True: will return x values for rhs calls in ``info['rhs_xvals']``.
record_jac_xvals : bool
When True will return x values for jac calls in ``info['jac_xvals']``.
record_order : bool
When True will return used time stepper order in ``info['orders']``.
record_fpe : bool
When True will return observed floating point errors in ``info['fpes']``. (see ``fpes``)
cb_kwargs : dict
Extra keyword arguments passed to ``rhs`` and ``jac``.
dx0cb : callable
Callback for calculating dx0 (make sure to pass dx0==0.0) to enable.
Signature: ``f(x, y[:]) -> float``.
dx_max_cb: callable
Callback for calculating dx_max. Signature: ``f(x, y[:]) -> float``.
(result, info):
result: 2-dimensional array of the dependent variables (axis 1) for
values corresponding to xout (axis 0)
info: dictionary with information about the integration
# Sanity checks to reduce risk of having a segfault:
jac = _ensure_5args(jac)
if check_callable:
_check_callable(rhs, jac, xout[0], y0)
if check_indexing:
_check_indexing(rhs, jac, xout[0], y0)
return predefined(rhs, jac,
np.ascontiguousarray(y0, dtype=np.float64),
np.ascontiguousarray(xout, dtype=np.float64), atol, rtol,
method, nsteps, dx0, dx_min, dx_max,
autorestart, return_on_error, cb_kwargs, **kwargs)