Status update week 2 GSoC

I have spent the second week of Google Summer of Code on essentially two things:

  1. Continued work on type awareness in the code printers (CCodePrinter and FCodePrinter). The work is ongoing in gh-12693.
  2. Writing tutorial code on code-generation in the form of jupyter notebooks for the upcoming SciPy 2017 conference.

Precision aware code printers

After my weekly mentor meeting, we decided to take another approach to how we are going to represent Variable instances in the .codegen.ast module. Previously I had proposed to use quite a number of arguments (stored in .args since it inherits Basic). Aaron suggested we might want to represent that underlying information differently. After some discussion we came to the conclusion that we could introduce a Attribute class (inhereting from Symbol) to describe things such as value const-ness, and pointer const-ness (those two are available as value_const and pointer_const). Attributes will be stored in a FiniteSet (essentially SymPy version of set) and the instances we provide as "pre-made" in the .codegen.ast module will be supported by the printers by default. Here is some example code showing what the current proposed API looks like (for C99):

>>> u = symbols('u', real=True)
>>> ptr = Pointer.deduced(u, {pointer_const, restrict})
>>> ccode(Declaration(ptr))
'double * const restrict u;'

and for Fortran:

>>> vx = Variable(Symbol('x'), {value_const}, float32)
>>> fcode(Declaration(vx, 42))
'real(4), parameter :: x = 42'

The C code printer can now also print code using different math functions depending on the targeted precision (functions guaranteed to be present in the C99 stanard):

>>> ccode(x**3.7, standard='c99', precision=float32)
'powf(x, 3.7F)'
>>> ccode(exp(x/2), standard='c99', precision=float80)

Tutorial material for code generation

Aaron, Jason and I have been discussing what examples to use for the tutorial on code generation with SymPy. Right now we are aiming to use quite a few examples from chemistry actually, and more specifically chemical kinetics. This is the precise application which got me started using SymPy for code-generation, so it lies close to my heart (I do extensive modeling of chemical kinetics in my PhD studies).

Working on the tutorial material has already been really helpful for getting insight in development needs for the exisiting classes and functions used for code-generation. I was hoping to use autowrap from the .utilities module. Unfortunately I found that it was not flexible enough to be useful for integration of systems of ODEs (where we need to evaluate a vector-valued function taking a vector as input). I did attempt to subclass the CodeWrapper class to allow me to do this. But personally I found those classes to be quite hard to extend (much unlike the printers which I've often found to be intuitive).

My current plan for the chemical kinetics case is to first solve it using sympy.lambdify. That allows for quick prototyping, and unless one has very high demands with respect to performance, it is usually good enough.

The next step is to generate a native callback (it was here I was hoping to use autowrap with the Cython backend). The current approach is to write the expressions as Cython code using a template. Cython conveniently follows Python syntax, and hence the string printer can be used for the code generation. Doing this speeds up the integration considerably. At this point the bottleneck is going back and forth through the Python layer.

So in order to speed up the integration further, we need to bypass Python during integration (and let the solver call the user provided callbacks without going through the interpreter). I did this by providing a C-code template which relies on CVode from the Sundials suite of non-linear solvers. It is a well established solver and is already available for Linux, Mac & Windows under conda from the conda-forge channel. I then provide a thin Cython wrapper, calling into the C-function, which:

  1. sets up the CVode solver
  2. runs the integration
  3. records some statistics

Using native code does come at a cost. One of the strengths of Python is that it is cross-platform. It (usually) does not matter if your Python application runs on Linux, OSX or Windows (or any other supported operating system). However, since we are doing code-generation, we are relying on compilers provided by the respective platform. Since we want to support both Python 2 & Python 3 on said three platforms, there are quite a few combinations to cover. That meant quite a few surprises (I now know for example that MS Visual C++ 2008 does not support C99), but thanks to the kind help of Isuru Fernando I think I will manage to have all platform/version combinations working during next week.

Also planned for next week:

  • Use numba together with lambdify
  • Use Lambdify from SymEngine (preferably with the LLVM backend).
  • Make the notebooks more tutorial like (right now they are more of a show-case).

and of course: continued work on the code printers. That's all for now feel free to get in touch with any feedback or questions.


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