Reproducible research with Docker

When I analyse data in my research I often tend to write small scripts for each of the steps. Those scripts often rely on 3rd party packages being installed. It has happened more than once that a few years down the road those scripts no longer work since the 3rd party package I was depending on changed its API. Until now I have looked at it as a hopeless (and time consuming) battle...

Docker to the rescue

Docker is a tool which has gained a tremendous traction in the web community recently. However, it can also be tamed into a useful tool for scientific computing.

I will try to guide you through the steps necessary to set things up. I will assume familiarity with Linux, git, bash and basic idea of how Docker works.

Separate raw from generated data (input vs. output)

Here are a few things I found made my life much easier when trying to do reproducible research (based on scripts):

  1. Distinguish between input and output and make sure that generated data is built out-of-source.
  2. Use version control (from day one) for the input and the environment description.
  3. Rebuild from scratch frequently to avoid introducing hidden dependencies. Preferably: for each commit on a different host (continuous integration)

We will start simple with a contrived example. Say we have:

  1. Some raw data of relative humidity ("rh") that is believed to be normally distributed.
  2. A small Python script for calculating the mean and standard deviation (in reality the analysis might be something more novel).
  3. A script for generating a "report" of said analysis.

Let's set things up from the command line:

$ mkdir rh; cd rh
$ mkdir input output environment
$ echo output/ >.gitignore
$ cat <<EOF >input/data.txt

OK, the data is in place, let's write a script to do the analysis:

$ cat <<EOF >input/
#!/usr/bin/env python
import numpy as np

def stddev(srcpath='data.txt', format='{0:12.5g} {1:12.5g}'):
    arr = np.loadtxt(srcpath)
    avg = np.mean(arr)
    s = (np.sum((arr-avg)**2/len(arr)))**0.5
    return format.format(avg, s)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import argh

$ chmod +x ./input/

Now let's write a script for generating the report.

$ cat <<'EOF' >input/
AVG=$(./ --format '{0:12.5g}')
DEV=$(./ --format '{1:12.5g}')
echo "The average of the data was $AVG and the standard deviation
was estimated to be $DEV">../output/report.txt
$ chmod +x ./input/

Alright, now let's try to make make this procedure reproducible by locking down all versions used (i.e. versions of Python, NumPy, bash). We will do so by relying on a specific (long term support) Linux distribution.

$ cat <<'EOF' >environment/Dockerfile
FROM ubuntu:14.04.2
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive

RUN apt-get update && \
    apt-get --quiet --assume-yes install \
    python-numpy python-argh && \
    apt-get clean && \
    rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/*

And now let's write a small script orchestrating the full process:

$ cat <<'EOF' >
#!/bin/bash -x
MY_HASH=$(docker build $MY_DOCKER_IMAGE | tee /dev/tty | tail -1 | cut -d' ' -f3)
docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/input:/input -v $(pwd)/output:/output -w /input -i $MY_HASH ./

$ chmod +x

And that's it. Obviously the relative overhead of tracking all the dependencies for such a small example is ridiculously high but most of the above code is of boiler plate character and may easily be copied between projects. Now let's make sure the script works (note that docker requires root privileges so use sudo or add your user to "docker" group):

$ sudo ./
$ cat ./output/report.txt
The average of the data was       24.127 and the standard deviation
was estimated to be      0.88861

Great, so this would be a good point to set up version control, e.g. by using git:

$ git init .
$ git add -A
$ git commit -m "Initial commit"

This should make the analysis reproducible for the foreseeable future (we are assuming that both Docker, the Ubuntu 14.04.2 image and the Ubuntu 14.04 package repositories will stay around indefinitely which probably isn't true).

Room for improvement

By using docker we can get more benefits for free. We can avoid involuntarily relying on internet access during the generation of our output by passing the flag --net='none' to docker run.

We can also force the ./input directory to be read-only during the build process to better enforce the distinction between raw and generated data.

docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/input:/input:ro -v $(pwd)/output:/output -w /input --net='none' -i $MY_DOCKER_IMAGE ./

One thing you will soon notice is that docker runs as UID=0 (root), which means that files generated in output will not be owned by your current user. One way to circumvent this is to have a small script in input/ setting the appropriate ownership after having run the ./ script. We will need to provide our preferred UID and GID to the docker image through the use of environment variables:

docker run --rm -e HOST_UID=$(id -u) -e HOST_GID=$(id -g) -v $(pwd)/input:/input:ro -v $(pwd)/output:/output -w /input -i $MY_DOCKER_IMAGE ./
# this is
chown -R $HOST_UID:$HOST_GID ../output

Installing latest docker on Ubuntu 14.04

To install the latest version of Docker in Trusty you may proceed as follows:

$ wget -qO- | sudo apt-key add -
$ sudo sh -c "echo deb docker main > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list"
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install lxc-docker apparmor
$ sudo docker -d &


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